Data Guru SD/MI

Data  Guru Sekolah Dasar Kota Kupang
Tahun Pelajaran 2021/2022 
No Wilayah Sekolah Dasar
Jumlah L P
1 Kec. Oebobo 456 89 367
2 Kec. Kelapa Lima 345 72 273
3 Kec. Maulafa 544 114 430
4 Kec. Alak 378 89 289
5 Kec. Kota Raja 383 67 316
6 Kec. Kota Lama 274 55 219
Total 2.38 486 1.894
 Sumber : Dapodik Tahun 2022

An essay written by a writer, as the name suggests is an essay is written by an author on an issue. The background and a summary must be given by the author. Once that is done, the writer begins to compose the essay according to the style. Make use of 12 points. font, and double space the text. The title should be in quotation marks. In addition, the title must include both the author’s name as paper writers well as title. Also the sheet of assignment should not be part of the report.

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